Monday, August 2, 2010


Welcome to Mrs. Farmer Stone. I am a busy stay-at-home mother of two beautiful children. Wa, my son, is three years old and Kiki, my daughter, is 21 months old. (Yes, those are the knick-names they gave each other, not their real names.) My husband, Farmer Stone, is a family farmer in rural north-east Nebraska. With Farmer Stone's Parents, we have mostly corn and soybeans, with a little oats, a small cow/calf herd, a few feeder cattle, varies cats, and a border collie named Daisy. Here in Nebraska Football is king, so I will probably complain bitterly, at some point or another, about the lengths of both the college and NFL football seasons. I only bring this up because there is already a count-down in my house.

My hopes for this blog are pretty basic. I just want a place to write. I hope to add crafts and other projects that I do or at least attempt to do. I have started MULTIPLE projects, so I should have something to write sometimes. I will also be writing about my children, husband, family and anything else that tickles my fancy. This blog is mostly for me. So, it will be just as random as I am!

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