There are lots of kids in our life. Both family and friends are at the perfect baby making age. It just so happens that three little girls all have their Birthdays at the end of March and early April. So, I decided that this WAS the year they were getting homemade gifts. Of course, I had to figure out what to make. YIKES!
While blog stalking, I came across Feels Like Home, which is an amazing blog! I love the set-up and the content. I could spend all day looking at that blog! Anyway, I saw How to Make a Tutu: A Tutorial and decided they were exactly what I was looking for. Little girls turning two and three NEED tutus! GIRLY, FRILLY, CUTENESS! How could I possibly go wrong? They were really cheap to make, fairly fast and easy!

I would like to apologize for the quality of the pictures. I have yet to figure out a good spot with good lighting to take pictures. I also had the added trouble of a little girl trying desperately to get her little hands, which you can see in the top two pictures, on those Tutus. So, they were a little rumpled instead of looking all pretty for the pictures!
I followed the tutorial pretty closely. However, I only used 2 yards of tulle per tutu. Instead of stacking three strips of tulle and then tying the knot, I only used two strips and the skirts were plenty full. I imagine, as the girls get older, I would need or want more layers. I haven't made one for Kiki yet, but I have some plans and some cool color ideas. I am looking forward to making her one as soon as I get to Hobby Lobby to pick up some more Tulle! I promise to put pictures up of her showing them off as soon as I get one or two done!
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