Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Magic Wands

The tutus I made just didn't seem to be enough of a gift for the girls. They are crazy cute and maybe if I had made a couple for each girl I wouldn't have felt like it wasn't enough, but as it is I felt like each little girl could use something else to go with their Tutu. So, I decided to make them wands. Sadly, I had no clue what I was doing or any idea of what I was going to do, until I found these cute little butterfly things in Hobby Lobby. Two cheers for cute Spring things finally making an appearance!

Once I found the butterflys I just figured it out. I used 1 butterfly, one 12 inch section of dowel, matching colored ribbon and a hot glue gun. Here is a picture of the stuff, except for the glue gun. He didn't make it in time.

I have no idea why this picture decided to be upside down. I guess it is happy that way and I don't know how to change it unless I delete it and re-download it and I am way to lazy for that. (Oh yeah! Super sorry for the pictures. They are horrible, but I really just don't have light for good pictures. Maybe I will have to start taking things outside to photograph.)

Anyway, first, FarmerStone wrapped the thin wire that supported the butterfly around the dowel. He wrapped it fairly tight and then used a pair of pliers to dink around with the end so it wouldn't be sharp and was held on pretty tight. Smart of him. He was helping me because it was late at night and we were watching MacGyver at the same time!

After that, all I did was wrap ribbon around the dowel handle until it looked nice, hot gluing a little as I went. I then just tied on some ribbon to dangle around the handle. I think all three turned out adorable. I really wish the colors showed up better. They are very sparkly and fun!

So far, the little girls who have gotten their wands have really liked them. I don't know how they will stand up to serious abuse, but I can't predict how harsh other little kids are going to be on them. Wa and Kiki would probably use them to hit each other, so we don't have any at our house right now. I will probably make one soon though, because they are super cute and really fast to make. Plus, Kiki could really use some girly stuff of her own. She is perfectly okay with her brother's stuff, but I feel like she could use SOMETHING that screams little girl!

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